I can't believe it's been 2 years since my last blog post...
The reason is quite simple: I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and finding hard to juggle with this fairly new venture, my day-to-day, and mostly IMPOSTER SYNDROME... I wasn't in the right place to write and focussed on designing, spending time outdoors, connect with more people, get a part-time job (as I realised how lonely self employment can feel working in my home studio...), read more, and learn more about the business/marketing side of having a business (which I've neglected thinking more of the creative aspect ). I really needed that time and since last month I noticed a positive change and feel so enthusiastic about life (despite the craziness and hardship going on in the world) and want to start sharing all the things I'm passionate about (mainly calligraphy/lettering and craft stuff).
What can you expect from this blog ?
There will be a mix of different type of content:
behind the scenes and what I'm currently working on,
tutorials/how to's,
do's and don'ts,
product reviews (book, pens, paper...),
answering your questions,
workshop info
events (my own as well as from other artists)
If there is a particular topic/ type of content you'd like me to write about, let me know in the comments below or pop me an email at mycraftynib@gmail.com or direct message me on @craftynib on Instagram / Facebook.
To finish off, I'd like to share some colourful pictures from Mother Nature and what I've been up to recently. Thank you for reading!
