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Spring is in the air...

Nash Maillard

I can't believe it's already mid March and looking at the emerging sprouts and flowers I can feel that Spring is in the air. Despite being still in lockdown - luckily we are starting to come out of it - it is nice to have longer days and see nature coming back to life after a long and humid winter. I keep telling myself I need to grow more plants and flowers but for some reason I don't have green fingers... my partner says that it's because I can't stick to one thing for long (meaning gardening) and I start planting and then "forget" about it. Being handy and crafty, I would think I should be good at gardening... well, maybe it's something I should give a deeper thought...

What I've been up to...

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day here in the UK. For the occasion I made a tutorial on YouTube (available here) to create a quick and easy hand lettered Mother's Day card. I've also created a downloadable & printable file (one ready to send and one for you to trace over - which is great for practice) that you can download from the freebies section on my website.



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